Facebook vs. Swami Sarvapriyananda



Well it’s the second night of my facebook fast and “how have you spent your facebook time tonight ?”  you ask. I will answer that shortly.

Apparently the draw of facebook is pretty strong still, it being only the first 48 hours of my deactivation, but I am hanging in there.

Sunday is a day of chores, relaxing and being with family, but it is also my busiest facebook day. I would typically spend a couple hours each sunday on FB. That isn’t so bad really and I didn’t consider myself a hardcore addict, but when I added up the hours, hmmmm. I was spending at least a minimum of 12 hours a week on the ol’ facebook. That’s 48 hours a month! …or 576 hours a year! …that’s over 70 workdays!!! Now don’t get me wrong, once again I think facebook is fine, and I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with people, leaving and reading comments etc. But I am on a new path at present.


So to get back to your question, “How did you spend your facebook time tonight?”

Well I watched this dude…

Swami Sarvapriananda 001

I guess it’s just all a matter of choice and it doesn’t really matter in the big picture what you do with your time, it’s all learning and growth one way or another . Recently as you all know by now, it’s so funny to hear me say “you all” since no one reads this blog besides Audrey,  so where’s my 895 friends from facebook? hahaha! Anyhow, I was saying , recently as you all know I have been on a spiritual kick, therefore tonight I watched a video of Swami Sarvapriyananda. Here he speaks about the Upanishads from Hindu Scripture. Earl Nightingale and some other cool spiritual teachers made mention of the Upanishads and I wanted to check it out. This video is about an hour and a half long…I am digging this stuff.  You might dig it too…




People want to know why I am vegan. There is a massive amount of information on veganism online. A vast collection of books, videos, studies, etc. But I will keep it simple I will name a few and keep it short. I am vegan because of…


7 reasons to ditch bacon


vegan pose

…and the environment.


…next question.





Recently I went to the Nevada area. Although I am a typical healthy vegan and  normally include a fair amount of whole foods in my diet…


…on this trip  I did indulge in cuisine which might not be considered the most healthy. I consumed a variety of processed foods including some including onion rings and french fries as well.


It was temporarily great and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Montana - Day 1 @ the Festival 016

On   our return trip to Portland   Audrey proclaimed “I want to do an eight day juicefast”. I was in! Audrey chose eight days because we will be going yet on  another vacation albeit much shorter, a two day excursion to Great Wolf Lodge in Washington. It’s to celebrate our grandson’s 6th birthday. This would begin the day after the juicefast.

Today is Saturday August 2nd. This is the sixth day of the forementioned fast. I have and will continue to prepare all the juice. Audrey is doing well and I must say this is the best fast I have experienced to date myself.

On October 1st 2011 I did my very first juice fast for 26 days. Since then almost three years ago I have done two 5 day fasts and also a 9 day. Although I pretty much consumed the same amount and type of juices all these fasts  were different. This latest fast has been my most pleasurable on a mental and spiritual level.

I have heard that some people do experience not only great physical benefits from juicefasting but also some speak of increased mental clarity and even feelings of spiritual type awakenings. On my prior fasts this was not the case for me personally.

This latest has been different. I have been feeling elevated states of goodwill and peace of mind. This I imagine is partially due to the fact I have already embarked on a personal spiritual journey of sorts about 3 months ago.  I should clarify however I have always been on some kind of trek to improve my well being to a greater or lesser degree, but I really stepped up my efforts about 3 months ago.

Thanks to Audrey and her wanting to do the fast and me joining her I have continued to have greater  realizations about self, love and my relationship to the material world. Her aspiration for increased health coupled with the flooding of my mind with the words of spiritual teachers and self improvement gurus has changed the landscape of my brain.


One particular spiritual teacher that I have come to know and admire greatly is James Allen. I consider him a true  pioneer of the self improvement movement. Here is some of his writings in part.

WHEN great difficulties arise, and troubles beset, regard your perplexity as a call to deeper thought and more vigorous action. Nothing will attack you that you are not capable of overcoming; no problem will vex you that you cannot solve. The greater your trial, the greater your test of strength, and the more complete and triumphant your victory. However complicated your maze of confusion may be, there is a way out of it, and the finding of that way will exercise your powers to the utmost, and will bring out all your latent skill, energy, and resource. When you have mastered that which threatens to master you, you will rejoice in a new-found strength.

Knowing the Truth by practice, and being at one with Truth, you will be invincible, for Truth cannot be confounded or overthrown.

I love James Allen and all the other souls that are dedicated to the betterment of man. I am very grateful for all their work and the effort they have made in bringing such uplifting and practical advice for understanding ones true self.

Lately…while working, driving, at home and even sleeping I have been listening to James Allen’s “Above Life’s Turmoil” and also “The Power” by Rhonda Byrne from The Secret.

It’s so funny, just this  morning I woke from a dream about some waitress in a coffee shop and she was speaking to me the words of James Allen, ha! I had fallen asleep with my earbuds in playing his CD.

I have been ingesting this stuff as much as 5 hours a days, including reading the works of Eckhart Tolle and Joe Dispenza to just mention a couple and I have to say it is helping me greatly.

This morning about 6am after my funny dream I thought about this juicefast Audrey and I were on and how wonderful it’s going and how great I was feeling. I lay there daydreaming about things and how I spend my waking hours…then I thought to myself, maybe I could do other kinds of fasts? That’s when I thought about facebook.


I think facebook is a tool, like money it can be used for good or not so good. Much like a hammer, you can build a house with it, or bash someone’s head in. Okay I admit that was a harsh example but you get the idea. Audrey is on facebook slightly, she finds it somewhat entertaining and she uses it to stay in contact with family and close friends. It’s a nice little tool for her and her personal enjoyment.

In other cases facebook can be a super positive thing where some can reach thousands with their positive messages and inspiration. Facebook can also consume a person and it can be severly addicting and time-consuming.

Facebook is not inherently good or bad and I also believe the same of the people who use it regardless of who they are and what they are using it for.

Having said all that I myself decided to experiment. So yeah… I thought to myself ,what if I did a facebook fast?

So I went in this morning and deactivated my account. I don’t know how long I will do this facebook fast, again it’s an experiment. I may return tomorrow, I may not. I didn’t even know how many so called friends I had on facebook. When I went in to deactivate it, it said “you have 895 friends that will miss you” The number is probably more around 17. ha!

I like facebook. But I have decided to use my prior facebook time to watch videos and read and listen to subjects that are akin to my journey of the mind, and my personal growth towards self realization. I also intend to curb my television and movie consumption as well which will give me even more time for myself. I am a giver, extremely generous in many ways, I have done a lot for many people family, friends and strangers as well. I love you all!

For the time being… I want to focus on myself… and my own spiritual journey.pics moire 007






The Friendliest City In America


butte folks

Wow! I have spent the last three days in a remarkable city! A living museum of monumental historic value. This is Butte Montana!

But beyond the fact Butte is one of the largest National Historic Landmark Districts in the country, this Montana city possesses a plethora  of architectural treasures equal to the best Victorian architecture in America’s great cities. Uptown  Butte is covered, block after block with well preserved examples of early 20th century architecture.

I must mention however the thing that really caught my eye immediately was all the ghost signs.

ghost signs

I captured many of them in photos which I plan to use in a video about our amazing trip here. It was as though we were catapulted back into time. Just truly amazing!

Audrey and I were invited to take part in an art car exhibition which was a part of the Montana Folk Festival.

I won’t be creating a lengthly blog at this juncture on our experience but will produce a video soon.

I will say one thing, I was blown away by how friendly the people are here in Butte, Montana and hope to return some time in the future. In the meantime stay tuned for the video.









What are you thinking? What were you thinking about a few minutes ago, last night? last week, when you were a teenager?

The sum of your thoughts have brought you to where you are today. Where you live, your job or lack of , the people in your life, family, friends, acquaintances, etc. What you have been thinking about dictates it all, your health, both physically, mentally and spiritually. Thought is the seed of circumstance! All your habits, vices, desires, fears loves and likes, the kind of food you eat or don’t eat, your favorite pastime, it all comes from your thoughts.  What you think is planted in the garden of your mind which blossoms into the external state you NOW find yourself in. Be it good or bad, rich or poor, happy or sad, all of it comes from thought, your thoughts. Your life is the result of what YOU think!

You are not a victim of circumstance, you are the creator of circumstance. “But what about the poor child born a drug addict because there mother was an addict herself?” you ask. I don’t know really know how to answer that,  perhaps we are ALL eternal beings and who knows where that being was last time around.  But I myself believe the circumstances of MY life are the result of what I have been thinking up until now. I can no longer think otherwise!

Knowing this I can CHOOSE here on out to be more loving, grateful, generous and caring. I can choose to have happy thoughts and not engage in negativity. I can relinquish my anxiety and pain, let it go and replace it with thoughts of growth and compassion…and this is exactly what I have been doing lately. I’ll admit I have slipped up, but I have studied and watched myself these past weeks and I have discovered to the degree I stay on track with this positivity kick is to the marked degree I feel more content and pleasant. The better I think, the better I feel, the worse I think, the worse I feel.

But don’t take my word for it… try it yourself, think about it.








I have adopted new strategies that appear to be actually working. “Working to do what” you ask? Well working to feel better about myself and the circumstances of my life.

First off I have been saturating my mind with positive new age spiritual mumbo jumbo. Presently and for the past month at least I have been listening to many spiritual teachings by a plethora of authors and speakers. I listen to CD’s in the van to and from jobs. Less clowning more quiet reflective spiritual time alone.

Two, being grateful and listing in my mind all the wonderful things I have in my life from possessions to people that I appreciate and can be thankful for.

Third, Focusing on being positive 24/7. This one is super powerful and effective! I am realizing more and more we are all eternal beings, once again scientists reaffirm this by stating you cannot create or destroy energy, well, we are some kind of energy as well therefore we cannot be created or destroyed, right? If that’s the case our essence is eternal! You always have been and always will be. The life force that occupies that drunk laying on the street has been everything, a king, a butterfly, a mother of two and a flower. Knowing this I have more respect for him, I am more positive towards him and can show a little love for sure…and not judge him in a negative light. But mostly showing and feeling love is not about the other individual, it’s about me, and it makes me feel wonderful, especially after a whole day of practicing all this love your brother hippie bullshit, ha! But seriously, it does work! And since I am a person as well I am learning to love myself also.

Fourthly, I find I am becoming a more giving person, giving my time and energy through dancing and entertaining, drawing sketches for people, giving away my art but most importantly developing the art of listening! This I have found is one of the greatest gifts I can offer someone, my attention! I have been practicing this one the most over the past 6 weeks, just listening, and doing so with full attentiveness. The effect it has on others and myself are wonderful.

In addition to these new habits I am developing and adopting I continue to do my usual strategies as well, making art, clowning and making people laugh and eating healthy and getting exercise.

I am truly amazed by how my thoughts and feelings are actually changing the landscape of my brain. I am creating NEW mental habits and thinking more in the present day to day. I find myself zipping around sometimes about past events or imagining future scenarios with the unwanted feelings that come with letting one’s mind wander, but often times I find myself thinking of nothing! How novel is that? By not visiting the past and future as often… I find myself in the now, and I find myself quite contented being in the present.

Yes, it’s getting better, it’s working, I am peeling away the onion, and getting to the real me, the essence of who and what I really am, pure consciousness , pure love…and that’s pretty cool.




The 16th Annual Seattle Art Car Blowout, more commonly known as SACBO will be held this weekend starting tomorrow Friday June 20 through Sunday June 22nd. Over 75 of the craziest street worthy and not so worthy jalopies converge on the Freemont Fair http://www.fremontfair.com/  which takes place in the Freemont District of The Emerald City.  Besides dozens of wide-eyed car artists and art car performers the big enchilada is the Solstice Parade which  kicks off on Sat. June 21st.  The parade features nude bike cyclists, stilt-walkers, political prancing,  life-affirming skits , giant puppets, colorful human-powered floats, salsa marching bands and the exotic rain-washed Belly Dancers. In addition to the world famous Solstice Parade there will be concerts, a craft market, dog parade, yoga, buskers, kid activities  and a plethora of food booth choices! Over 100,000 attend, maybe you’ll be one of them!

The art cars alone are worth the trek! I will be among the weird, wacky and wonderful cartist brethren. Automotive eye candy and quirky entertainment art car style will surely please. Come join the revelry!  I hope to see you there! 



Journey of the mind


planet scot photo (1)

 Several weeks ago my path led me to a door. I can’t remember the specific moment I arrived at that door. All I know is, I did in fact pass through this door. Entering a corridor I continued. Few turns to the left, few to the right, some stairs, up , and also down. I then noticed an opening. As I forged forward toward this opening my heart felt uplifted in a kind of blissful yet giddy excitement. I arrived at the opening and was both in awe coupled with a new sense of purpose. I know this is just the beginning of the restoration of my soul.

 How did I arrive here in this space of purity, this  serene environment, simple, timeless?

  Lifelong questions, the seeds of which are finally blooming. The cool clean water of inspiration which flows from the thousands of souls who tread before my person, bound with the divine light of the eternal intelligence my garden do hath grow. I am exited about my new directive. To control my mental forces rather than being controlled by them. As each day passes , an undeniable freedom from daily circumstances escalates. It would be completely naïve to suggest that I, the identity known as Scot Campbell could or ever would be free of the problems or the trials and tribulations that beset me. Shit happens, as the saying goes. But this new state of consciousness I liken to a visit to the dentist when I have been administered gas. I hear the whir of the drill and cleaning tools, I take in the unpleasant smell of tooth dust, I feel the pressure and feel the pain…but I don’t care, at least most certainly not as much if I had not been given the gas.  Similarly , during my daily travels in the so called outside real world. I naturally encounter people, places and things which contain a certain level of negativity…yet, I do not care about them so much as I did before prior to opening the door…or received the gas so to speak.


I have always searched for answers, who am I? what am I? ..and must anxiety and mental anguish always be a part of my life? Like an unwanted guest that shows up from time to time and refuses to leave.

In the weeks since I have passed through the door and after diligent  practice I am developing new mental skills to battle the thoughts that previously undermined my very existence. I feel presence, I feel more awake than ever, but as I am a newbie to this whole enlightened self  actualized thing, I still find voices and cravings and regrets of the past and fear of the future overcome me from time to time… although to a lesser degree. But I also delight in them more and more and see them as a test in my new journey of the mind. Spiritual awakening kicks ass! I continue to seek the truth!  The cool thing also is sometimes the naked truth is not what I thought it would be…and it delights me so.  I will continue to question my thoughts, motives and acts and strive to bring my inward vision to fruition. One thing is for sure is, I love you… and wish the best for you as well, with that said, let spiritual strength be ours.




I enjoy being happy, who doesn’t?

But what exactly is happiness?

I imagine it’s different for different people.

I have recently discovered for me personally a state of happiness develops when I am embracing the fullness of the preset moment, as it is NOW. In other words being completely content with the situation I find myself in. Being grateful for this precious moment and living totally in the present is empowering!  I love the feeling that arises when I realize nothing more must be added to the present in order to elevate it.  It’s about freedom from the conditioned mind and breaking the chains of past and future thinking, freedom from thought. BEING IN THE PRESENT!

I have read these concepts over and over and over…now I am beginning to actually  experience them little by little.

My happiness does not depend on how much stuff I acquire, who I am with, where I live, possessions, fame and fortune.

When I no longer expect anything outside of me to make me happy…I am HAPPY.  When I stop wanting, craving and anxiously looking for salvation through some imagined future experience or  moment…well that’s when true happiness wells up inside of me. Damn! I am so happy I am finally getting it!

All my life and I wanted to be famous…and, well, I have become famous. I may not be as famous as many, but certainly, and especially in Portland Oregon I have gained a certain level of fame. I probably gained this fame a few years ago actually, it’s been building for the past twenty six years. Tv, news stories, peoples blogs online and off, books, articles and more.  But just recently I realized, “omigosh, I am famous!” It finally hit me, I can feel it now, I achieved my life long dream! To be famous, to have people know who I am…now what? I feel sort of the same as I did before I had that realization, and actually I don’t  feel particularly happier as the result. Well that’s Strange.

I have been contacted by two casting agents out of L.A.  They are both interested in creating a reality show around me, one is actually a one time deal and the other is a docu-series. I was also contacted by an agent out of New York as well. Well I turned down the New York guy but I have given careful thought to the L.A. people. I have decided I don’t want to get involved with them as well.  I feel so comfortable and happy with my decision. I mean I have it so good now, and there is nothing I can add to my present situation here in Portland to enhance it more. I have a purpose and I have realized it and when I am driving down the street in my art van, singing, laughing and being in the present moment there is no greater experience!  Yeah what makes me happy is to be of service to others and to be positive and loving, if I do that, well, the rest falls into place, and at that time I will have achieved  true happiness!

I sincerely hope your happy moments outweigh your unhappy moments as well.


Love, Scot


If you are new to my blog and some of this seems vague just google “extremo the clown”.

Betty’s Summer Vacation



I didn’t have a clue as to what   I was about to witness on this nondescript Monday evening  when I walked into the Defunct Theater on Hawthorne Bvld. A small theater with old style folding school seats and a laid back atmosphere. The set was simple and nothing stood out  that caught my eye especially. All I knew was the name of the play really, Betty’s Summer Vacation. I don’t want to describe a moment by moment playback in any way, shape or form and well… spoil it for you,  but rather I will try and convey the emotional states I went through this evening. I will keep this somewhat short. Betty’s Summer Vacation  by Christopher Durang simply put, was insanely hilarious, disturbing, unnerving, delightful and sick. An emotional roller coaster… I felt myself leaning forward and wringing my hands in jittery excitement, shock and amusement simultaneously. It was really an incredible experience! Fear combined with raucus laughter and disbelief at times. Were these actors really saying and doing the these things in front of me? right here? right now? Crazy! It was a fantastic  expression   of intensity, at the same time extremely thought provoking as to what the human species , particularly Americans have become. I loved it! In fact I have to say it is the best play I have ever seen. Drop your plans, adjust your schedule, and make room to see Betty’s Summer Vacation. It will blow you freakin’ mind! It blew mine.


Betty Extended until June 21 and Our 2014-15 Season Announcement! Visit http://defunktheatre.com/home.html for all the details.